Fruit Trees & Raised Bed Garden Project


On about 1 acre of land at the orphanage in Primo Tapia they have an orchard with various fruit trees. At one time this orchard yielded fruit for the children but since the pandemic has been left unattended.

We have recently begun efforts to revive the living trees and replace the dead ones. We are currently planning the implementation of raised grow beds in this area to cultivate fresh herbs and vegetables. Part of this plan is the installation of 275 gallon IBC water storage containers. In these IBC containers we will be able to farm hundreds of catfish and use this nutrient rich water for the garden. It is our goal to help this area to yield the most fresh produce and fruit possible.

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Accomplishments, Progress & Milestones

  • Cleared brush and weeds from designated garden area with the help of the older youth from the Tijuana Facility 
  • Built a large raised bed garden structure that will house three grow beds
  • Acquired various seeds
  • Received horse manure to use as a component in the growing medium mix 
  • Excavated and transported soil to be added to the grow mix
    • Need IBC Water storage containers
    • Need consistent donation to fund the water bill and irrigation needs

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